Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Convenience vs. Cross

By: Dan Cole

Matthew 16:24-26
James 2:14-17

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
  How often in our lives is the right thing just too inconvenient?  "I would do what the bible says, but it’s too hard and may cause a lot of pain its simply inconvenient,” we don't often say that exactly but often times that’s the root of our thoughts. We love the parts of the Bible about God giving us strength and comfort, but when it comes to "taking up your cross" we often find that a little too inconvenient. Taking up your cross means bearing the weight of hardship, insults, pain, and public humiliation. Those who were about to be crucified were forced to carry their crosses through a town like parade and crowds of people would gather to cry out insults and even spit on them. Jesus knew exactly what He meant when He gave that commandment and He literally carried it out. I'm sure it was a huge inconvenience for the Son of God to limit Himself by becoming a man and another giant inconvenience to have to die for your sins, but He did it willingly. So how could we ever say that anything is just too hard or too painful when it comes to following the commands of our God?
  It won't always be easy to follow the will of God and nor will it be convenient, but we have Gods promises and we know that the trouble will be worth it. So the next time you come upon a command or a situation in which you can please God and follow His will don't think about the inconvenience, focus on pleasing the God who gave everything to save you. No inconvenience we encounter could ever match the sacrifice Christ made on the cross so stop making excuses and take up your cross. And by doing so you not only please God but you could lead many souls to the safety found in Jesus Christ.
 Point to Ponder: What inconveniences are preventing you from following God’s will and doing as He commands?

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