Friday, January 9, 2015

The Faithful Fight

The Faithful Fight

1 Timothy 6:12
Hebrews 11:1
Romans 8:28

“Faith is not believing that God can, it’s knowing that God will.” - Unknown

In the bible faith is described as the “good fight,” so what if our faith isn't a fight?  Then we also must ask ourselves what are we doing with our faith? Are we challenging ourselves? Are we living in a way that requires trust in God? The bible defines faith as assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen (Heb. 11:1). But what are we doing with that assurance? Do we truly have faith if we live idle lives and never step out into the unknown with only trust in God to guide us? If we have faith in God we have assurance that He will protect us and that He will keep His promises. So why not stand up and fight? Why do we sit idly by while the world falls into darkness? If we have faith we need to stand up, leave our comfort zones, and work towards the glory of God.

Faith is indeed a fight; because it is a fight against our own nature. Our bodies tell us it’s foolish to trust something that we can’t see, that by standing up we just take the risk of falling. To us it seems like a gamble like if we live our lives for God’s glory we risk losing the acceptance of our culture, we risk humiliation and scorn. But when we fight through our doubts what we receive is courage, joy, hope, and acceptance from God into eternity with Him in heaven. When we live by faith you live with a hope that no one can take away because you have the assurance of an all powerful God who sacrificed His son because He loves you. So what are we truly risking? With God in our corner is there any chance we’ll lose the fight? Take a stand, for the only time you will truly fall is when you fall into God’s outstretched arms.

Point to Ponder: What’s holding you back from winning the fight of faith?